Get inspired and share good practices 

Inspiring content and discussion on issues related to the supply chain industry are at the heart of our event. Benefit from high-level and educational content in the form of keynotes, round tables, thematic partner workshops ...


The program is developed by the editorial staff of the magazine

2024 conferences program is under construction

Supply Chain Event 2024 conference themes

Red thread 2024


Supply Chain divisions are now at the heart of the transformations taking place within both large and small companies. This series of keynote sessions will give insight into the strategic power of the supply chain to help managers in their efforts to achieve an omnichannel approach, decarbonisation, reindustrialisation, the transition to a circular economy, CSR and more.

4 themes 2024

| Visibility & Flow Management

Collaborative transport and delivery management platforms, TMS, upstream and downstream SC management tools, control towers, and more. 

| Intralogistic & Robotics

Automatisation, robotisation, WMS implementation and omnichannel transformation projects to improve operational and environmental performance, as well as attractiveness to intralogistics operators. 

| Forecasting & Planning

APS, EPM, digital twins, Demand Driven, procurement management and operational, tactical, or strategic forecasting and planning projects. 

| Risk Management, Traceability & Compliance

Ensuring end-to-end product traceability has become a major supply chain focus for regulatory reasons, but also for reducing and mapping supplier risks. And then there's transparency and compliance questions associated with European directives like CSRD and CS3D. 

Replay of the 2023 conferences

14 & 15 nov. 2023 - Paris - Porte de Versailles - Pav. 5.2 & 5.3

Don't miss out on any information